Since April 2023, Neatco has been included in the Vendor of Records (VOR) list of the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA).
In 2021, RPRA implemented new regulations in Ontario mandating producers to provide Supply Data, indicating the quantity and weight of goods sold in Ontario, and requiring processors to monitor their Recycling Efficiency Rate (RER), which measures the percentage of resources recovered after processing inbound material streams collected in Ontario. The Supply Data must undergo verification by a qualified professional such as a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), while the RER must be verified by a licensed engineering practitioner holding a limited or temporary license under the Professional Engineers Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.
Supply Data and RER verifications are other areas in which Neatco has acquired valuable expertise, as we have already completed numerous RER reports for different processors in three recycling fields: Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE), battery, and Hazardous and Special Products (HSP). Through communications with our clients and RPRA, we have developed a methodology involving auditing and review of customer documentation that is simple and straightforward for our clients and satisfies written RPRA requirements.
When beginning the report, we provide clients with a predefined list of required documentation in order to verify their calculation in three distinct aspects. Based on the information, we select areas requiring more detailed study, such as spot checks of incoming and outgoing shipments. The accuracy of their Supply Data and RER are then verified using all of the provided information.
Neatco has recently extended the verification and audit services to serve customers operating in Alberta and Quebec.
Contact us to learn more about RPRA Supply Data and RER verification requirements and how Neatco can assist your company